Wednesday, September 05, 2007

((Debug + Context Launching) >> 32)^2

New to 3.4 is context launching 2.0.

With this new addition people who want to take part in context launching but do not care about IResource's can participate as well. Gone are the days of context launching only working for 'things' that have an IResource adapter. Now anyone, using nothing more than the new API for a launch shortcut, can have a say what should be launched, or what resource should be launched (if any).

The new API in question comes from ILaunchShortcut2 (which surprisingly is an extension to ILaunchShortcut), and provides 4 new methods:

1. getLaunchableResource(IEditorPart)
2. getLaunchableResource(ISelection)
3. getLaunchConfigurations(IEditorPart)
4. getLaunchConfigurations(ISelection)

With these methods contributors can now tell context launching either which resource it should be launching, or what launch configurations it should be launching.

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